PA Act - 101 of 1988

Act 101 is Pennsylvania's Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction act that was adopted by the Legislature in 1988.

What does Act 101 mean to you as a resident or business owner?

Residential, commercial, institutional, municipal establishments, and community activities that have a minimum of 5,000 residents and a population density greater than 300 people per square mile-are required by the Act to recycle.
Residential recycling must include leaf waste and a minimum of 3 of the following recyclable items: aluminum/steel/bi-metal cans, corrugated cardboard, clear/colored glass jars and containers, newsprint, plastic containers, and other materials that may be required by your local ordinance..
Businesses, institutions, and community events recycling must include: aluminum cans, corrugated cardboard, high-grade office paper, leaf waste, and other materials that may be required by your local ordinance.
To view Act 101 of 1988 in its entirety, please click here